Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What should I do?

Q: Despite a stream of harrassing emails from me, and daily desk drive-byes to various decision makers, I find I am constantly waiting for feedback to indicate to me what to do next. What should I do? Am I working too quickly, or am I too impatient? Please help me,'re my only hope!

A: Your drive and ability obviously outstrip the demands of your current job. When Einstein ran into this problem at the patent office (his day job), he spent his spare work time developing the first draft of his theory of relativity. I suggest that you develop a hobby at work that will turn the world of science on its head. Or catch up on all the current videos at That's probably what Einstein would have done instead if he had access to the internet.


Donovan Valdes said...

Seeing as how I know little of the Theory of Relativity, and suck at math, then it's episodes of StrongBad for me! Thanks, Doug!

Matt Turner said...

Yeah, but what did the theory of relativity accomplish. I mean, proving things are relative is great. But it doesn't really do anything does it? I suggest working on Robot Butlers. Because they do stuff.

Doug0 said...

I find myself in the disquieting circumstance of agreeing with Matt.

David K Rose said...

you need to come to neversoft and you will never find an absence of opinions or work. not saying it's bad or good. it all depends on the environment you are interested in working in.